ADCP Towing and Positioning Systems.
Advanced cable solutions for accurate water flow measurement.

Explore our exclusive cableway solutions for safer discharge measurements.
No matter how challenging your requirements, we can help you get the job done accurately and safely. Whether you need a fully automated, remotely operated cableway system that can measure discharge with mechanical current meters, or an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), a portable ADCP towing and positioning system can help you get the job done with confidence. These innovative instruments are changing the way hydrographers measure water flow, providing flexibility and safety.

Flying Fox Portable Towing System.
Originally a bespoke design, the Flying Fox is one of the most innovative flow measurement accessories on the market today. Exclusive to KISTERS, the Flying Fox facilitates the collection of accurate discharge measurements using ADCPs. Equipped with a remote control, the Flying Fox makes it possible to take discharge measurements with ADCP-coupled boats on a temporary tether.
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Cable Fox ADCP Towing and Positioning System.
Also exclusive to KISTERS, the Cable Fox features a wireless remote control range of over 1,300 ft, on-the-fly adjustable traversing speed (0.1 to 2.0 ft/sec) and a built-in encoder for cross-stream distance measurement, allowing hydrographers to lift or lower up to 220 lbs and operate on any new or existing cableway.
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Hornet Plus Cableway System: Arriving in Europe 2024.
The Hornet Plus cableway system is set to make its mark in Europe following its success in the USA. Designed for use with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) or mechanical current meters, this robust and sophisticated solution is ideal for retrofitting to existing manned cableway systems as well as new installations. Whether you are dealing with an operating or condemned cableway system, the Hornet Plus is up to the task, demonstrating its toughness, sophistication and versatility.
“Tough, sophisticated and always ready, the Hornet Plus continues to impress with its ability to handle ACDPs, flood gauging with current meters and sounding weights up to 300 lbs, automatic angle of drift correction and full wireless control”.
– Peter Ward, Senior Business Development Manager, KISTERS North America
Stay tuned as the Hornet Plus Cableway System arrives in Europe and sets new standards for accuracy and efficiency in flow measurement.
Learn more from the USA