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Products & Services

Distribution System Operator

Efficient handling of grid processes and market communication

All network operation tasks in one process-oriented solution

Your priorities as a distribution system operator or area network operator are the compliance with all current legal obligations, simplified work processes, and the generation of added value for your enterprise and household customers from energy data. Our software lets you implement market communication (GPKE, MaBiS, GeLi Gas and GaBi Gas), grid congestion management (Redispatch 2.0), flexibilities management (§14a EnWG), and basic data management and also coordinate network usage reports and the billing of network usage and ancillary services. You have easy access to load profile and consumption data for market partners, reportings to the relevant energy authorities, balancing and billing. Our solution will help you protect network stability and plan grid expansions.

Highlights Leittechnik Flexibilities management and §14a EnWG [German]

Your benefits


All regulated processes in one tool

Our solutions ensure full compliance with market requirements like Redispatch 2.0, MaBiS, GaBi-Gas, GPKE, GeLi-Gas, MPES, and many more


Continuous software development and adaptation to market requirements

In compliance with your national regulations, we deliver updates at the required cycles and timeframes.


Market leader in the German-speaking region

More than 600 distribution system operators across Europe work successfully with our software.


Cloud-based SaaS or on-premises operation

You decide, we deliver: our web-based solutions in the KISTERScloud or on-premises at your own data centre.


Optimal IT security

Our solutions comply with very high security standards: ISO 27001, TÜV-TSI, BSI TR-03109-6

How it works

As a distribution system operator, you will appreciate our solutions along the entire process chain. We can customise your existing systems by seamlessly integrating any individual process modules you may need to optimise your workflows.

Contractor changes
Validation of metering & market location load profiles
Processing & communication of grid time series
Balancing group billing & network loss forecasts
Settlement preparation


  • All processes are also available as SaaS from within the KISTERScloud

    Auf dem Dach installierte Solarpanels.

    All processes are also available as SaaS from within the KISTERScloud

    You are looking for a way to free up valuable time for you and your IT department? Our business processes are available as a service from the certified KISTERScloud – your fast, reliable, budgetable and flexible alternative to purchasing licences for on-premises operation.

    We operate and manage the software in our own certified data centre and take responsibility for the security of the IT infrastructure. You and your colleagues access your software and data via a secure internet connection.

  • Continuous updates of market compliance regulations with short cycles

    Windturbinen in einer Berglandschaft.

    Continuous updates of market compliance regulations with short cycles

    Our solutions for distribution system operators give you the tools you need to handle loss of electricity production in Redispatch 2.0, balancing group billing (MaBiS & GaBi-Gas), manage location bundles, prepare billing (network use & excess quantities), carry out supplier changes (GPKE & GeLi-Gas) as well as change processes for producers (MPES).

    We map the German BNetzA rule changes at the start of every 2nd and 4th quarter, and include all bugfixes for our solutions at each update to keep your process handling up to date and fully compliant with the market.

  • Secure systems & user-friendly dashboards

    Schwarzer Hintergrund mit Lichtlinien.

    Secure systems & user-friendly dashboards

    IT security and user-friendliness are always at the top of the list of priorities for us.

    That is why our solutions operate at a very high security level and in a security-oriented software architecture. We use certified development standards and work continuously to improve our software.

    User-friendly, process-oriented dashboards and our intuitive user guidance get you through your daily tasks with ease.

  • Customisable time series calculations & reporting

    Solaranlagen und Windturbinen.

    Customisable time series calculations & reporting

    We have more than 20 years of experience in the management of time series for distribution system operators and know what it takes to provide the best possible support for your day-to-day business. That is why our software is designed with sufficient flexibility to accommodate your specific requirements.

  • Seamless integration into your existing system environment

    Strommasten mit Wolken im Hintergrund.

    Seamless integration into your existing system environment

    We provide standard interfaces for all commercial IT systems (e.g. billing), and implement your custom interfaces quickly and seamlessly, while keeping an eye on your processes at all times.

Contact our experts

Our software solutions incorporate our specialist knowledge, many years of industry experience and IT expertise, as well as our passion for data, IT and the environment. Therefore, we are convinced that we can also support your company with the right solution. From consulting and solution ideas to implementation, support and operation, we provide you with everything from a single source.

Contact us and find out how you can benefit from our expertise.

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Our sales team in 


Janne Weinem

Luciana Stabilini

We are here to help

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