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Doubling every decade

The global financial fallout from natural disasters is, on average, doubling every decade.

$1 trillion on the horizon for USA

The USA is on track to face losses of $1 trillion USD due to climate-related disasters this decade, marking an unprecedented event in history.

UK flood threat

Estimated UK flood costs to surge from $7.8 billion USD (2010-2019) to $41.4 billion USD (2020-2029), Then soar to $217 billion USD(2030-2039), Raising individual financial impact to £2647 per person in the UK.

$5 trillion and counting

Natural disasters have wrought a staggering $5 trillion USD worth of global damage since recordings began.

Why this matters

If this trend is not addressed, the financial cost could exceed the GDP of many nations. Climate change is not just an abstract concept looming in the future; it is a huge financial burden that is affecting us now.


How the report can empower you

The data presented in this report is a starting point – a snapshot to start a conversation. The report reflects what the data tells us at this point in time, which is why we are digging deeper into the intricacies of the story behind the numbers.

Working with some of the world’s leading economists and climate change experts, we aim to further analyse the data, uncover nuanced insights and explore the many dimensions of the financial impact of climate change.

“The IPCC has emphasised the importance of immediate action within this decade. The goal shouldn't be just about what happens by the end of the century but what we can achieve by 2030. The current trajectory is alarming, but it's not too late to make a difference.”

Will Arnold, CEng FIStructE FRSA, Head of Climate Action, The Institution of Structural Engineers

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A scientifically-based argument on the impact of natural disasters on the global economy.


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